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AC 6.0 on chassis Ural-5557-72M

Горизонтальные вкладки

Short description: 

Fire truck AC-6.0 on chassis Ural 5557-72 m is designed to extinguish fires and rescue.
The  vehicle is used for delivery of  2 - 7 men of personnel, fire-extinguishing  agents (water and foam), firefighting equipment and emergency rescue tools to the fire site.

The advantages of this model: 
  • According to he unique technology the bodywork is made of prefabricated aluminum profiles with hidden fasteners, which are resistant to static and dynamic stress.
  • This allows  achieving a high resistance to corrosion;
  • The bodywork can be modified even during operation;
  • Water and foam tanks are made of fiberglass, that contributes to high corrosion resistance, as well as reduces weight;
  • Sandwich-panels help to maintain the necessary temperature and provide the  insulation from noise, as well as make it more comfortable;
  • You can modify the parameters of the  crew cabin, adjust seats, etc;
  • You can modify the parameters of the bodywork;
  • You can choose northern or southern configuration;
  • Energy-efficient LED lighting;
  • A reliable equipment fixation system  ;
  • Reliable control system ;
  • Composite materials  increase the useful life of the vehicle
  • Convenient arrangement of the vehicle.

General characteristics

Basic characteristics

Wheel formula: 
Chassis brand: 
Water tank, l: 
1000 - 6000
Combat crew, people: 
2 – 7
Capacity for frother, l: 
180 - 6000
General characteristics: 
Gross weight, kg 13 000 – 20 500
Length, mm 8 000 – 8 700
Height, mm 2 800 – 3 200
Width, mm 2 550

Fire pump




Fire barrel, l/s




* Manufacturing according to special customer requirements. The site does not contain the entire product line. Send us an application for a proposal
Make a request
Short description: 

Fire truck AC-6.0 on chassis Ural 5557-72 m is designed to extinguish fires and rescue.
The  vehicle is used for delivery of  2 - 7 men of personnel, fire-extinguishing  agents (water and foam), firefighting equipment and emergency rescue tools to the fire site.

Notes on equipment: 

1- Insinuating kit (scissors, gloves, boots, mat)
2- Special intercom
3- Special loud speaker unit
4- Water collector VS-125 GOST R 53249-2009
5- Suction fitting G-600 GOST R 50398-92
6- GP-70x50-1,6 PM U1 GOST R 53279-2009
7- GP-80x50-1,6 PM U1 GOST R 53279-2009
8- GP-80х70-1,6 PM U1 GOST R 53279-2009
9- Hydrant wrench
10- Fire extinguisher OP-5 GOST R 51057-2001
11- Fire extinguisher OP-10 GOST R 51057-2001
12- Fire extinguisher OU-5 GOST R 51057-2001
13- Wye RT 70 GOST R 50400-92
14- Wye RT 80 GOST R 50400-92
15- Wear - and cold resistant attack hose  RPM(V)-50-1,6- I-UHL  GOST R 51049-2008, with connection fittings, C-50-1,6 PM UHL GOST R 53279-2009 (L-20m; operating pressure - 1,6 MPa)
16- Wear - and cold resistant attack hose    RPM(V)-70-1,6- I-UHL  GOST R 51049-2008(L-20m; operating pressure - 1,6 MPa)
17- Wear resistant attack hose  cold resistant performance  RPM(V)-80-1,6- I-UHL of GOST R 51049-2008, with connection fittings, C-50-1,6 PM UHL GOST R 53279-2009 (L-20m; operating pressure - 1,6 Mpa)
18- Wear resistant attack hose  cold resistant performance  RPM(V)-50-1,6- I-UHL of GOST R 51049-2008, with connection fittings, GR-80-1,6 PM UHL GOST R 53279-2009 (L-20m; operating pressure - 1.6 MPa)
19- Hose KSH 1-32-3 (DN-32) with the GM-50 connections for foaming agent from the external reservoir (L-m) GOST R 53279-2009
20- Suction hose 1-125 GOST 5398-76, with connections GDV-125 UHL PT GOST  R 53279-2009 L = 4 m with a hose tape
21- Attack suction Hose  V 2-75-10 GOST 5398-76, with connections g-80 UHL PT GOST R 53279-2009, L = 4 m with a hose tape
22- Shut-off nozzle ORT-50 with adjustable flow rate not less than 2.7 l/s, the length of the compact jet - at least 30 m. Foam nozzle
23- Shut-off nozzle ORT-50 with adjustable flow rate not less than 2.7 l/s, the length of the compact jet - at least 32 m. Foam nozzle
24- Air-foam nozzle SVPE-4
25- Manual-control monitor LS-S40U, maximum flow 40 l/s, the length of the compact jet is 60 m, the wet foam possible, adjustable flow
26- Fire rescue line VPS30 GOST R  53266-2009,  30 m long in a case
27- Fire rescue line VPS50 GOST R  53266-2009,  50 m long in a case
28- Strainer SV-125 GOST R 53253-2009 with a caproic rope with a diameter of 11 mm, of 12 meters length
29- Ladder L-3K GOST 53275-2009
30- Ladder PL GOST 53275-2009
31- Ladder LSH GOST 53275-2009
32- All-metal hook  BPM GOST 16714-71
33- Light pry bar LPL GOST 16714-71
34- Heavy pry bar LPT GOST 16714-71
35- Pry bar with ball head GOST 16714-71
36- Universal pry bar LPU GOST 16714-71
37- Sharp-pointed spade LKO-4-930 GOST 19596-87
38- Square-faced shovel GOST 19596-87
39- Hacksaw 1-500-4 GOST 26215-84
40- Knife (cutter) for safety belts
41- Axe T-A2 GOST 18578-89
42- Electric torch  FOS-3 with charger
43- First Aid Kit according to  the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 325 of 20.08.1996 (amended order of the MoH No. 697н from 08.11.2009)
44- Breakdown triangle GOST R 41.27-2001
45- Tools and accessories as per chassis manufacturer's schedule
46- Canister for water of 5 liters capacity
47- Canister for fuel of 20 litres capacity

Insinuating kit 1 1
Protective googles 2
Special intercom 2 1
Signal loudspeaker unit 3 1
Water collector VS-125 4 2
Suction fitting G-600 5 1
GP-1-6, 70х50 PM U 1 6 3
GP-80х50-1, 6 PM U 1 7 3
GP-1, 80х70-6 PM U 1 8 3
Hose hold-up 4
Clamp ZR-80 4
Key 80 GOST 14286-69 2
Key 125 GOST 14286-69 2
Hook 9 1
Fire extinguisher OP-5 10 1
Fire extinguisher OP-10 11 2
Fire extinguisher OU-5 12 1
Wye RT 70 13 2
Wye RT 80 14 2
Hose ramp 2
Attack hose 15 10
Attack hose 16 6
Attack hose 17 12
Attack hose 18 2
Hose KU-1-32-3 (DN-32) 19 1
Suction hose 20 4
Suction pressure hose 21 2
Nozzle 22 4
Nozzle 23 4
Air-foam nozzle 24 2
Manual-control monitor 25 1
Rope 26 1
Rope 27 1
Strainer SV-125 28 2
Ladder L-3 K 29 1
Ladder LP 30 1
Ladder LSH 31 1
All-metal hook 32 1
Pitchfork 1
Hook KP GOST 16714-71 1
Forging hammer of 5 kg weight 1
Light pry bar 33 1
Heavy pry bar 34 1
Pry bar with ball head 35 1
Universal pry bar LPU 36 1
Spade 37 1
Square-faced shovel 38 1
Hacksaw 39 1
Knife (cutter) 40 1
AX-Т-А2 41 1
Electric torch 42 4
First Aid Kit 43 1
Towing line 1
Breakdown triangle 44 1
Tools 45 1
Canister for water 46 1
Canister for fuel 47 1
Vehicle blocking chock 2
Blow torch LP-1 1
Wrench set 1
Bag for documents 1
Firefighting equipment list 1
The advantages of this model: 
  • According to he unique technology the bodywork is made of prefabricated aluminum profiles with hidden fasteners, which are resistant to static and dynamic stress.
  • This allows  achieving a high resistance to corrosion;
  • The bodywork can be modified even during operation;
  • Water and foam tanks are made of fiberglass, that contributes to high corrosion resistance, as well as reduces weight;
  • Sandwich-panels help to maintain the necessary temperature and provide the  insulation from noise, as well as make it more comfortable;
  • You can modify the parameters of the  crew cabin, adjust seats, etc;
  • You can modify the parameters of the bodywork;
  • You can choose northern or southern configuration;
  • Energy-efficient LED lighting;
  • A reliable equipment fixation system  ;
  • Reliable control system ;
  • Composite materials  increase the useful life of the vehicle
  • Convenient arrangement of the vehicle.

The cabin is a basic cabin of the chassis, salon type, 2-door, 2- seat (or double or with a separate cabin  4-door 7-seat).
In the doorway of the cabin and in the door openings there are handrails for convenience and rapid entrancw of the crew.
In the second row of the cabin there are 4 seats with individual backs.
In the immediate blizostimozhet host odnobalonnyj compressed air breathing apparatus.
Each seat has a separate mechanism for fixation of the respiratory apparatus, and under the seats there are places for fire-fighting equipment.
The common space for fie fighters makes  team work more coordinated and rapid.
The cabin is equipped with handrails, indoor lighting, heating, a manhole on the top and specific control panels and  control systems for the vehicle and its equipment.
There are fixed automatic bottom steps which allow the crew to enter the cabin easily.
The water and foam tanks are made of  corrosion resistant  reinforced fiberglass (carbon steel, stainless steel, polypropylene and polyethylene are also possible).
In fixing the tank to the body of present elastic damping elements, to prevent adverse effects on the tank from twisting the frame Optional possibility to install the stand-alone or stationary heating capacities, as well as their thermal insulation.
The bodywork and the cabin are an assembled structure made of aluminium profiles, lined with aluminium sheets in accordance with adhesion technology.( reinforced fibreglass sheets are also possible).
The bodywork forms a part of the fire superstructure and serves for  placement and protection of firefighting equipment and emergency resue tools from damage during transportation.
Our own sandwich-panels are used for increased heat and noise insulation, as well as for increased comfort.
The bodywork consists of the compartments for firefighting equipment and emergency resue tools as well as the pump compartment in the rear part.
The bodywork fixation to the vehicle frame is based on elastic damping elements that decrease the bodywork stress caused by the frame torsion.
The compartments are equipped with roller-shutters (panel  doors are also possible).
The shutters are made of aluminium alloys.
The door of the pump compartment if of roller shutter type (panel  door is also possible, in this case it serves as a protective visor).
All doors are equipped with self-locks, which retain them in a closed position, also there is an  open doors indication  on the control panel in the driver's cabin.
Open doors, manholes, and other structural elements of the vehicle, which increase its  overall dimensions,  are equipped with reflective elements and other signalling devices indicating the dimensions of the vehicle when the doors are open during its stop.
Doorways, manholes and other elements of the bodywork have seals that protect against  atmospheric precipitation, dust and dirt.
The firefighting equipment is located considering the tactics of its usage, which ensures the reliability of fixation, accessibility, convenience and safety during its mounting and demounting.
The firefighting equipment when located is united into  groups according to its purpose(as standard):
-personal fire fighters equipment;
-equipment for water intake and  first nozzle delivery;
-equipment to elevate personnel at height;
-structure cutting and demolition equipment
-equipment for laying and maintenance  of the main hose lines, etc.;
- other equipment.
The firefighting equipment is  securely installed and mounted in the compartments of the firefighting vehicle.
Pencil cases for suction hoses are located in the upper part at the top of the vehicle and are also made from corrosion resistant materials.
Stairs for climbing the vehicle  top  are made of an aluminum alloy.
There are folding bottom steps for the convenience of the crew.
The fire truck equipped with a pumping unit consisting of:
-fire pump with a vacuum system of water intake and manual foam dispensing system ( automatic foam mixing system is also possible );
-hoses with manual control valves and connections (remote control is also possible);
- control system
A fire pump NCPN-40/100 is installed in the pump compartment (fire pumps of all types with a capacity from 40 l/s to 150 l/s are possible)
Energy-efficient LED technology is used.

To register a detailed proposal with options please send us a request or contact our company via contact phone numbers.

NCPN-40/100 is located in the rear compartment
- pump delivery, l/s (l/m) 40 (3000)
- pressure, bar 10

Optional possibility to install pumps NCPN-50/100, NCPK-40/100-4/400, NCPN-70/100, NCPN-100/100, NCPN-150/100, Esteri, Magirus

Fire barrel, l/s 40 (optional possibility to install 60 HP, 80 HP, 100 HP, as well as remote controlled weapon station)

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