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Short description: 

Normal pressure fire pump NCPN-50/100-V1T.
Centrifugal normal pressure pump NCPN-50/100 is designed for the delivery of water and water and foam agents up to 303° K (30° C) with a density up to 1010 kg/m3 and mass concentration of suspended solids up to 0.5 %, with a maximum size of 3 mm.
The pump is used for equipping main  firefighting vehicles, as well as for fire boats, motor pumps and other fire fighting units used for fire extinguishing agents delivery.
The pump must be fitted into the closed compartments of fire-fighting vehicles.

The advantages of this model: 
  • rated delivery head 100 meters
  • dimensions (LхBхH) 650 x 940 x 720 mm
  • weight 90 kg

General characteristics

General characteristics: 
Pump type Centrifugal, normal pressure
Rated speed 2700 rmp
Rated delivery 50 l/s
Rated delivery head 100 m
Input at rated pumping capacity and delivery head 80 kW
Maximum pumping capacity at rated speed and the rated speed (at 1.5 m suction height ) 60 l/s
Pumping capacity at maximum suction height (7.5 m) 25 l/s
Pump shaft seal Ball seal valve, does not require lubrication
Quantity and nominal width of suction pipes 1xDn 150 mm
Quantity and nominal width of discharge nozzles 2xDn70mm, 1xDn80mm
Vacuum water filling system type Self-contained with built-in electric drive
Vacuum system operation mode Automatic (with auxiliary manual control)
Time required for water filling at a height of 7.5 m (hose line 8 m length,Dу 150 mm ) 40 s
Time required for creating vacuum of 0.8 kgf/cm2 for "dry vacuum" test 7 s
Foam mixer type Ejection
Foam agent dispensing level from 1 up to 10%, smooth adjustment
Maximum foam agent delivery with a concentration of 6% 50 l/s
The maximum quantity of foam generators GPA-600 working at the same time 8
Availability of instrumentation 2 pressure-and-vacuum gauges (inlet and outlet); electronic tachometer, time meter
Dimensions (L x B x H), mm 650х940х720
Mass, kg 90
Certificates of conformity TR
* Manufacturing according to special customer requirements. The site does not contain the entire product line. Send us an application for a proposal
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Short description: 

Normal pressure fire pump NCPN-50/100-V1T.
Centrifugal normal pressure pump NCPN-50/100 is designed for the delivery of water and water and foam agents up to 303° K (30° C) with a density up to 1010 kg/m3 and mass concentration of suspended solids up to 0.5 %, with a maximum size of 3 mm.
The pump is used for equipping main  firefighting vehicles, as well as for fire boats, motor pumps and other fire fighting units used for fire extinguishing agents delivery.
The pump must be fitted into the closed compartments of fire-fighting vehicles.


- Fire pump NCPN-50/100-V1T

The advantages of this model: 
  • rated delivery head 100 meters
  • dimensions (LхBхH) 650 x 940 x 720 mm
  • weight 90 kg

The pump has several design variants (modifications), differing in its components, including:
type (availability) of special units, instruments and other additional elements to be fitted into the pump at the request of the customer, as well as the arrangement and characteristics of delivery and suction pipes, etc.
Variable data for each pump are indicated in the ticket and relevant indexes are indicated on the pump name plate

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