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Model YAMZ-53622.10
Type four-stroke diesel with TKR, ECM, with fuel system battery type
Number and arrangement of cylinders 6, in-line
Maximum power kW 176,5
Cylinder capacity, cm3 6 650
Compression ratio 17,5
Maximum rotational speed, rpm 2 300
maximum torque, n • mм 900
Fuel diesel


Power system:

Fuel tanks capacity, l * 300
Type accumulator, electronically controlled


Exhaust system and catalyst system:

Type one muffler, no catalyst system
Muffler (marking) NTC MSP LLC , 36.1201010-02 or Avtotechnologiya LLC, AT-1201010



Clutch, type dry, single-disc
Clutch, brand MZF 430 SACHS
MZF 430 Hammer or YAMZ-183-76
or YAMZ-182-76 (only for the KP-0905)
Gearbox (type) mechanical, hand operated
Gear box (brand) YAMZ-0905; YAMZ-1205; ZF; 9S1310TO; 9JS135TA
Transfer box (type) AZ Ural OAO (Open Joint-stock Company) 2-speed. With interaxable differential blocking (top gear-1.04, the low gear-2.15)
The number and ratios of gears 2/ top - 1.21 or 1.04; low-2.15
Main gear (type) Double, bevel-cylindrica
Gear ratio 6,77

* Depends on configuration

Base chassis: 
Base chassis Ural-Next 43206-71
Drive wheel configuration 4х4
Overall dimensions, mm* 7 697х2 500х2 952
Base, mm 4 605
Wheeltread, mm * 2010…2040
Maximum speed, kph 85


Type * twice, all-metal, located to the rear of the engine
Design * two-, three-, four-door
Number of seats, pcs 6


Weight and load:

Lifting capacity, kg * 5 500 - 6 000
Unladen weight, kg 6 935
Distribution of empty weight, kg the first axis 4 635
the second axis of 2 300
Curb vehicle weight, kg 6 645
Gross vehicle weight, kg * 12 660 - 13 300
Total mass on each axle (kg) * the first axis 5 085 - 5 300
on the second axis 7 575 - 8 000
Total weight of a towed trailer, kg * up to 7 000



Model JAMZ-53622.10
Type four-stroke diesel engine, with TKR, with ECM, with battery-type fuel system
Number and arrangement of cylinders 6, in-line
Cylinder capacity, cm3 6650
Compression ratio 17,5
Maximum power, kW 176,5
Maximum torque, n∙m 900
Fuel diesel
Maximum speed, rpm 2300

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