1- Insinuating kit (scissors, gloves, boots, mat)
2- Wear - and cold resistant attack hose RPM(V)-50-1,6- I-UHL GOST R 51049-2008, with connection fittings, C-50-1,6 PM UHL GOST R 53279-2009 (L-20m; operating pressure - 1,6 MPa)
3- Wear - and cold resistant attack hose RPM(V)-70-1,6- I-UHL GOST R 51049-2008(L-20m; operating pressure - 1,6 MPa)
4- Wear resistant attack hose cold resistant performance RPM(V)-80-1,6- I-UHL of GOST R 51049-2008, with connection fittings, C-50-1,6 PM UHL GOST R 53279-2009 (L-20m; operating pressure - 1,6 MPa)
5- Wear resistant attack hose cold resistant performance RPM(V)-50-1,6- I-UHL of GOST R 51049-2008, with connection fittings, GR-80-1,6 PM UHL GOST R 53279-2009 (L-20m; operating pressure - 1.6 MPa)
6- Hose KSH 1-32-3 (DN-32) with the GM-50 connections for foaming agent from the external reservoir (L-m) GOST R 53279-2009
7- Suction hose 1-125 GOST 5398-76, with connections GRV-125 UHL PT GOST R 53279-2009 L = 4 m with a hose tape
8- Attack suction Hose V 2-75-10 GOST 5398-76, with connections GR-80 UHL PT GOST R 53279-2009, L = 4 m with a hose tape
9- Shut-off nozzle ORT-50 with adjustable flow rate not less than 2.7 l/s, the length of the compact jet - at least 30 m. With foam nozzle
10- Shut-off nozzle ORT-50 with adjustable flow rate not less than 2.7 l/s, the length of the compact jet - at least 32 m. With foam nozzle
11- Shut-off nozzle ORT-50 with adjustable flow rate not less than 2.7 l/s, the length of the compact jet - at least 32 m. With foam nozzle
12- Fire rescue line VPS30 GOST R 53266-2009, 30 m long in a case
13- Fire rescue line VPS50 GOST R 53266-2009, 50 m long in a case
14- Strainer SV-125 GOST R 53253-2009 with a caproic rope with a diameter of 11 mm, of 12 meters length
15- Sharp-pointed spade LKO-4-930 GOST 19596-87
16- Electric torch FOS-3 with charger
17- First Aid Kit according to the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 325 of 20.08.1996 (amended order of the MoH No. 697н from 08.11.2009)
18- Tools and accessories as per chassis manufacturer's schedule